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Dieses Thema hat 30 Antworten
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Messier Offline

König der Löwen

Beiträge: 15.321

26.10.2011 13:06
#26 RE: Buy-Outs, Retirements, Wechsel nach Europa 2011/2012 Zitat · Antworten

Jean-Pierre Dumont zum SC Bern

Messier Offline

König der Löwen

Beiträge: 15.321

01.12.2011 18:27
#27 RE: Buy-Outs, Retirements, Wechsel nach Europa 2011/2012 Zitat · Antworten

Messier Offline

König der Löwen

Beiträge: 15.321

04.02.2012 13:21
#28 RE: Buy-Outs, Retirements, Wechsel nach Europa 2011/2012 Zitat · Antworten


Messier Offline

König der Löwen

Beiträge: 15.321

13.02.2012 19:21
#29 RE: Buy-Outs, Retirements, Wechsel nach Europa Zitat · Antworten


Cornholio Offline

König der Löwen

Beiträge: 7.258

22.10.2013 03:57
#30 RE: Buy-Outs, Retirements, Wechsel nach Europa Zitat · Antworten

Roman Hamrlik beendet nach 20 NHL-Saisons (7 Teams, 3x All Star) seine aktive Karriere.

Take heart, brighter days will come ...

🖤 I'll stay in love, and I'll stay alive;
Calling the chaos my home 🖤


Cornholio Offline

König der Löwen

Beiträge: 7.258

09.03.2014 12:13
#31 RE: Buy-Outs, Retirements, Wechsel nach Europa Zitat · Antworten

After getting traded to the Buffalo Sabres, Rostislav Klesla has decided to retire for the remainder of the season.

"With all due respect to the Sabres organization, I decided this week not to continue playing hockey this season.

It has been a tough year for injury and moving several times to new teams. I will now take some time off and get ready to continue my career in Europe. I would like to thank my fans and all the people that have helped me

I am grateful for the career I have had in the NHL and all the people that I have met along the way who have supported me and my family"

The Sabres originally got Klesla along with Michal Neuvirth when they gave up Halak and a 3rd rounder this deadline. Klesla did not play a game for the Sabres.

Take heart, brighter days will come ...

🖤 I'll stay in love, and I'll stay alive;
Calling the chaos my home 🖤


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